
How to Get a Better Job That Pays You More

Jobs don't have to be miserable!

Photo by Charles Deluvio (unsplash)

Though the wave of tech layoffs and the threat of a recession has overshadowed yesteryear’s news of the great recession, everywhere you look, employees are asking for more — and getting it. Though this time of uncertainty could have given employers back the power, it’s still in the hands of the workforce. From Gen-Z’s boundary

Can We Afford To Return To The Office?

Over two years into the most momentous event in our lives the world has changed forever … Some of us have PTSD from being locked up at home, some are living like everything’s going to end tomorrow, and the rest of us are merely trying to get by. When the pandemic hit we entered a

Seven Items To Keep Your Desk Organized


They say a messy desk is a sign of creativity (at least the messy people do) but wouldn’t some organization be a breath of fresh air? Papers everywhere, not a pen in sight, and Post-Its floating around like a ticker tape parade may make it seem like you’re working hard, but when your 2:00 meeting

Tips to Get Over Your Fear of Public Speaking

Some people are born to engage a crowd – they’re confident, cool, and collected, even while speaking publicly. They can get right up there, deliver their spiel, and never seem to break a sweat. No fear, no frets, and no fumbles. If this doesn’t sound a thing like you, you’re likely lumped in with the

How to Feng Shui Your Office For Success

Feng Shui is about manipulating how energy flows through your space. By manipulating this energy you can reinvent your space. Using Feng Shui in the office is all about organizing in a way that makes you feel energized, focused, productive, and powerful. Without making big changes you can retake control. So use these Feng Shui

How to Handle Awkward Situations in the Workplace


We spend so many hours per day at work, so it comes as no surprise that not every moment goes swimmingly. Humans have their ups and downs, and when the downs are workplace-oriented, awkwardness can ensue. But then, people have trouble dealing with uncomfortable situations for fear of being unprofessional or worry that things will

The Best Places to Get Office Supplies


You could have a desk like everybody else’s, or you could make it stand out. Bring your personal style into the office and make your desk your own. Here are some of the best places to buy unique, fun, and beautiful office supplies. Target (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey, you’re already here for dish

Office Plants to Up Your Productivity This Winter


Winter is officially here, but it’s only getting started. With these short days, long nights, and frosty temperatures can come some seasonal sadness. A great way to fight that is to bring some nature indoors! Even if you have a home full of plants, spending hours in your office every day can leave you missing

How Millennials Are Changing Office Fashion


Office fashion can be a little confusing in the modern age. The business world is changing and a lot of industries are redefining their office culture. A new era of much more casual atmospheres is changing the way business is being done, but office attire is changing with it. The uniform is changing. Here’s how

Why Every Office Should Have a Nap Room

The mid-day slump is no joke. After lunch, your brain just wants to rest. This is why so many office workers tend to have an afternoon cup of coffee to power through. But what you probably really need is a short power nap. Unfortunately, this kind of behavior is not usually accepted in the modern