
Getty Images/Maria Stavreva

Whether you're leaving a job involuntarily, departing for something new, or just want to prepare for the unknown, it is smart to understand all your options regarding your 401k.

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Even though we're led to believe that internships are the key to successful careers, we're also wary of companies that take advantage of the free labor, relegating interns to coffee runs or leftover tasks that don't enhance professional development. Students, new graduates, or even professionals looking to change careers and gain experience in an unfamiliar field can avoid being taken advantage of if they know their rights under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). For example, unpaid internships are legal under federal law, but only if it meets specific criteria, and too often companies play fast and loose with the details of an internship in attempts to qualify. Here's the best advice from employers and labor activists about what to look for in a company's internship program.
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Whether you're bored or completely overwhelmed without enough resources, it may be time to leave your current position and seek out better opportunities. The Bureau of Labor Statistics finds that Americans are quitting their jobs at the highest rate since 2001. While it's normal to occasionally feel stuck or unsure of your next step, if those feelings persist and worsen then it's probably a sign you've outgrown your job. Economists, employers, and job recruiters share 5 common signs that it's time to change your work situations.
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The business landscape of 2019 is changing with the turbulent times, and to succeed will require high emotional intelligence as well as mental acuity.

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