
Hidden benefits of a Liberal Arts Education

Liberal arts is a common college major, but it sounds majorly confusing to many people. It isn’t very specific as most majors are, so plenty of incoming freshmen choose to lean towards liberal arts when they are not sure which direction they want to take career-wise. Many feel it will be a stepping stone and

The Internet of Things is slowly taking over the Earth

The Internet of Things — maybe you’ve heard of the phrase, maybe you haven’t. Maybe you’ve heard it muttered around the workplace as your colleagues talked about their new voice-activated devices. The IoT has been growing steadily since the start of PCs and smartphones. From there, we’ve come out with more interconnected devices including smartwatches


Here’s the chicken or egg of the business world: is an MBA worth it? You may recognize this trend from Chad Harbach’s sensational MFA vs. NYC which got the literary world talking about whether writing graduate programs were necessary to crank out bestselling novels, or if living on the streets of NY…


Here’s the chicken or egg of the business world: is an MBA worth it? You may recognize this trend from Chad Harbach’s sensational MFA vs. NYC which got the literary world talking about whether writing graduate programs were necessary to crank out bestselling novels, or if living on the streets of NYC was experience enough.