credit card

Photo: Yerlin Matu

Dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, parakeets, horses—the world loves pets.

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If you use credit cards, keeping in control of how you manage them is a must.

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Photo: Sean MacEntee

It's difficult to resist the cashback offers and sign-up bonuses advertised in every bank and on dozens of TV channels every day. $100 back on $500 of spending sounds like a great discount and, in many cases, it is. The right applicant under the right circumstances can take advantage of card companies' latest offers to save money on groceries, travel, restaurants, and large upcoming purchases. But it's important to be careful when applying for and opening new credit cards because doing it in the wrong way can damage a person's credit score and lower their chances of being approved in the future.

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Everyone uses credit cards maybe a little too much. In the United States, the collective credit card debt total in 2015 reached $60 billion. The average household credit card balance is at almost $7,200. Some of this debt is necessary. Some Americans charge medical and emergency expenses to credit cards. However, a lot of this debt is just frivolous and unnecessary spending. But there's one surefire way to control your credit card debt.

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