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"It's the most wonderful time of the year," Andy Williams sings in the classic carol, but it's also the most expensive. Between hosting and attending holiday parties (wine for the hostess! new sparkly top!), gifts, and travel, the bill for holiday bliss can be a big one, which leaves you with more than family dynamics to stress about. (Most Americans rank holiday shopping as more stressful than traveling or spending time with extended family, according to a survey from e-commerce platform Needle.)
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The holiday season can be a really stressful time, both mentally and financially. It is difficult to maintain normalcy when there's a number of people to think about, presents to buy, and gifts to wrap... all while life carries on around you. If you're looking for a great way to organize all the gifts you need to buy and keep track of how much you want to spend then check out Santa's Bag.
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So, I'm new to the "living on my own" game and let me tell you — it's been a pretty big struggle. I really never understood how much the little things cost until I moved out a couple years ago. That being said, I will take free things whenever I can get them.

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