
The self-help section of the bookstore gets a bad rap.

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In all honesty, we all buy things we don't need — especially with Amazon's growing market and their ever-expanding hand in consumerism. It's literally so easy to buy things nowadays and with Amazon Prime, the gratification is damn near instant.

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There's nothing more satisfying to a book lover than walking out of a store with brand new adventures, but it's so easy to drop an insane amount of money while achieving that book buying high. You walk out of there with your wallet much lighter and while that initial new book rush is amazing it can be hard to budget yourself. Here's where this pro tip comes in. It's so simple you'll think, oh duh!

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Most office workers and entrepreneurs are looking to improve their focus and productivity. There are plenty of tools and resources available for purchase at just about any bookstore. But buying several books about money management and self-improvement can seem a little counterintuitive at times. There's some good news. No need to spend your hard-earned cash on books you'll probably only read once. Just visit your local library.

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