
There once was a woman who found the apartment of her dreams. It was the right price, closer to friends and family, and a huge upgrade from the apartment she currently lived in. But there was a catch: Her lease wasn't up for another few months and the thought of breaking it was making her break out in hives.
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Are you planning on moving to a new apartment?

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Rents are skyrocketing, and incomes are not. One in five millennials are living in poverty, and are either stuck with parents, couch surfing, or on the street. And it's not for lack of effort. Even $15 an hour, in major cities like New York and San Francisco, is just enough on a single income to cover expenses and maybe have some social life until the next check.
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If you ask almost every American what their plans are for the future, they will probably tell you they would like to own a home someday. After all, having your own house is the American Dream. But is it really a financial reality for everyone? Probably not. In many cases, it can be much more economical to rent an apartment or a house instead of purchasing one.

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