A-Z to Success at Work – Y & Z

We've made it! The end of the alphabet, finishing up with Y and Z has come and we've run throughA – Xwith tips for success when it comes to reaching career goals and achieving dreams. From attitude to mindset to behaviors and actions, success is not such a far-fetched notion when we put our hearts and minds into creating doable plans and gearing up for attainable results.

Nobody says success comes easy, but by doing your part and giving it your best with our A – Z guide to lend a helping hand, getting there will be worth the effort once the light at the end of the tunnel is shining right before your eyes.

Here we explain how following a "YOLO" mentality and zeal are the two final steps in our advice for achieving success from A to Z.


Young people (and plenty of others of all ages) have been using the acronym "YOLO" for a while now – it stands for "you only live once." We're not suggesting participating in outrageous, dangerous, or risky behavior, but when it comes to taking chances at work, YOLO may just be the way to go.

Break the mold, bust through barriers, and try new techniques when things are not moving at the pace you desire or the day-to-day work life has become stale or stagnant. Any successful person had to try something out-of-the-box in order to reach the place they stand proudly in today.

As per Huffington Post, "Great, otherwise unforeseen opportunities often come from risk-taking. Taking risks shows confidence and helps you stand out and we can learn from them. Embracing risk-taking helps you overcome a fear of failure."

Playing it safe may be a fine way to make it through the 9-to-5 grind, but tomorrow will be no different than today if you don't remind yourself that you only live once. Shake things up some and watch how new ideas and a sense of creativity emerge.


Desire, devotion, and an appetite for enthusiasm are all success-making qualities. Without the energy to prevail and reach the top, you'll forever linger around the middle. You must love what you do so you can find purpose and passion in your work.

According toIT Managers Inbox, "You need to be motivated and driven to be the best you can be regardless of your job or your work. Regardless of your current job bringing passion to your work can lay a foundation for success."

Forbes suggests asking yourself, "What is the passion that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning ready to take on the world? What is the passion that will help you keep going when everything around you appears to be falling apart? What is the passion that will make you want to give 110 percent of yourself, rather than putting in the minimum requirement to pick up a paycheck?

Answer those burning questions and find the path you want to blaze. Your zeal for whatever your responses are will indicate your true calling. Success will come thanks to your eagerness and excitement to achieve.

Good luck in your pursuits, no matter what they may be. These A – Z success tips will guide you, but with your own sensibilities and strength, you can, and will realize that the sky's the limit!