3 Ways to Be More Creative at Work

Some people are creative by nature – every thought is unique and artistic, with no end in sight when it comes to inspiration, innovation, and creation. For others, creativity may come in spurts and for the less fortunate, barely, if ever. But that doesn't mean there is no hope for imagination to spark when the day-to-day at work is becoming stagnant and monotonous. Here are three surefire ways anyone can be more creative at work and see new visions and dreams take shape.

Liven Up Your Work Space

A dull work area is no place to spend most of the day. Bland and boring surroundings won't do much when it comes to inspiring originality and ingenuity. Based upon what your company will allow, transform your personal work area to make yourself feel more comfortable, motivated, and just all-around happier. From the outside in, creativity will begin to brew.

As suggested by The Muse, "Whenever you see something from the big wide world that captures your attention, put it on display. It can be any discovery: an awesome ad in a magazine, an unusually arranged menu, or even a well-written email that made you laugh."

If you love flowers, be sure to have a vase filled with a colorful bouquet on your desk each week. Is your family your pride and joy? Set up framed photos of your spouse and kids to remind yourself why you work so hard. Whatever it is that gets you pumped up, have it your line of vision. These items will be the spark that lights the creative portions of your brain that have been waiting for a sign to start churning out winning ideas.

Think Outside the Box

Tackling problems the same way all the time may lead to a satisfactory performance, but where's the fun in that? They say, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," but everything can stand for a tune-up every now and then. Thinking outside the box will allow you and your co-workers to come together and make headway in your careers. Without a fresh perspective, progress is sure to slow down.

According to Entrepreneur, "The next time you get your team together to brainstorm, create and enforce a 'no holds barred' idea session. Nothing is off the table; nothing is outside the realm of possibility. Avoid words and phrases like 'but,' 'how would we,' and 'we can't.'"

Lifehackadds, "Approach every task with the attitude that the current method is temporary and that your job is to find a better way to do it." When you're forced to come up with a new solution, the creative juices start flowing on cue.

Take a Breather

Sometimes, all you need is a "time out" to re-focus and get your thoughts together. After a particularly stressful morning or when you feel like your eyes are glazed over from staring at computer screens and spreadsheets, step away from your desk and take a 5-minute rejuvenating break. Not only will this help you to get back on track, but it can stimulate new thoughts and ideas. Like Entrepreneur points out, "It's practically impossible to nurture creativity in a tired, burned-out brain."

As The Muse suggests, "Make a habit of stepping outside even if it's just to walk around the block. As you stroll, make a point to notice things. Your mind will start connecting dots between what you see and the problems you left back at the office."

Creativity comes in many forms; just be sure it comes to you! These three tools are just the tip of the iceberg. The more creative you become, the more it keeps on coming!