workplace success

Most of us have been told to put our emotions aside at work and be all-business, all the time. Women tend to hear this message more often than their male counterparts, regularly being told they are being "too emotional" when it comes to high-stress situations, differences of opinion, high-stakes business matters, or even when they are just having a bad day. But no matter our gender, for the most part, the only emotions employers hope for or want to see in the workplace is happiness. Happy workers lead to productivity and overall success for the company, right?

Yes and no. Happiness is certainly important, both on a personal and professional level. Without feeling a sense of satisfaction, a person's well-being as well as their workplace performance is sure to suffer. Yet happiness is so much more complex than an outward cheery disposition and a plastered-on smile.

As per Business Insider, "Happiness is not just about developing positive emotions, it has two other constituent parts: purpose and resilience. Having a clear and meaningful purpose is a key element in sustaining long-term happiness."

A large part of our purpose is what we do with our lives and how we feel about doing it. What we do for a living makes up a great portion of most people's sense of purpose, and even if we are happy in the general sense, having the ability to deal effectively with our other emotions will help us maintain and even increase this sense of contentment. Like Business Insider puts it, "Developing resilience is the third highly essential component of happiness, as it enables us to deal effectively with negative emotions when they arise."

That is why we must allow ourselves to embrace our emotions – even at work – to remain, or even become happy, as well as a useful force in the workplace. Bottling up negative emotions will not lead to happiness – just the opposite. Workers may become frustrated, temperamental, or no longer have the drive to put in much effort. Not only should we be able to identify our own emotions, but those of the people around us as well, known as emotional intelligence.

As per Psychology Today, emotional intelligence includes three skills, "Emotional awareness; the ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to manage emotions, which includes regulating your own emotions and cheering up or calming down other people." This intuitive behavior is what makes working with others impactful and successful. In fact, TalentSmart notes, "People with a high degree of emotional intelligence make more money—an average of $29,000 more per year than people with a low degree of emotional intelligence."

Not to mention, emotions are what makes us human. With so much technology being developed and perfected every day, computers, robots, Artificial Intelligence, and the like are taking over roles people used to be required to manage. According to Business Insider, "Many indicators suggest that jobs of the future will require much more emotional intelligence to complement the sophisticated machines we work with. As more and more jobs are automated, the nature of the value that humans will add will evolve to focus around creativity, connectivity with others and self-fulfillment."

We need to stay aware of and connected to our emotions and learn how to handle them effectively and appropriately, even in the workplace setting. Not every day will be perfect, or even close to it, and it is OK to allow ourselves to feel it. When we can work through these feelings to arrive at a place of satisfaction once again, we will be better people and valued employees. So, do not take your emotions lightly. And never dismiss the feelings of those you work with either.

By understanding and accepting our own and one another's emotions, we will all be happier for it.

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We're almost at the finish line of our A – Z guideto achieving success in the workplace. Each letter of the alphabet is the first letter of a trait or behavior a successful person can embrace to become better at what they do. Passion and practice makes perfect, so use these helpful tips to move the needle towards the direction of your career aspirations and goals.

With S, T, and U up to bat, we will explain how stamina, thick skin, and an upbeat attitude are three character features a person ought to possess if reaching success is on the to-do list. Aim to work on developing these attributes and watch how you grow and prosper in the workplace and beyond.


Great results don't just fall into your lap, they take time and effort which means you must be all in, all the time. While physical stamina is important, especially if the line of work you're in is taxing on the body, mental stamina is just as, if not more vital when it comes to being our best at what we're putting our efforts towards.

According to WebMD, one way to increase mental stamina is to, "Consciously think more positive thoughts." Managing stress, visualizing goals, planning for setbacks, and getting a good night's sleep are all stamina-boosters as well.

Don Melnychuk, Ph.D. notes, "One of our most important business resources is our personal energy." He suggests keeping fit, staying motivated, and being well-nourished to improve work performance.

Thick Skin

It takes a tough individual to deal with chaos in the workplace and to triumph over mistakes and failures. Not everyone will deal with you with sensitivity or even common courtesy, but the thick-skinned individual won't take things personally and can swiftly move along with confidence and a greater determination to succeed.

Tiny Buddha suggests finding the silver lining in a situation that may be unsettling. "When we can notice which criticisms wound us the most deeply, it shines a light on what our beliefs are. Not only can this help us to find neutrality again, with this outlook, criticism can actually become a valuable tool for self-growth."

According to wikiHow, "Having perspective will help you get through the day without getting too emotional. Remember, there's nothing wrong with feeling that initial wave of anger, sadness or defensiveness when you first receive a criticism. However, you shouldn't let emotions drag you down for the rest of the day." Shake it off and utilize the feelings as fuel to propel you forward.

Upbeat Attitude

A "glass-half-full" perspective will keep you positive and ready to work with purpose. Not every moment will be a bowl of cherries, but looking on the bright side and seeing the big picture is far more effective in reaching success than dwelling on what isn't perfect.

As per Jane R. Elgass of Univ. of Michigan, "For some employers, a good attitude is sometimes a more important consideration than skills. Try starting each day with a pep talk to yourself; make it a habit to enjoy the good moments; express, rather than suppress, your feelings; and surround yourself with a positive environment."

Inc. notes, "If you've got a positive attitude, you'll see obstacles as interesting or even fun. Even if you fail to overcome them, you'll find the process invigorating, which will make future obstacles easier to overcome." Put on a smile and you're already a success!

Stay tuned for the next installment of this A – Z series on success. We're almost done, but your success never has to end!

Success is something nearly all of us want to achieve, but hoping and praying – while helpful from a spiritual or mental sense – won't get you there without hard work put forth as well. As we travel from A-Z, success is something you'll see is attainable, as long as you make the moves and put in the effort to lead you towards your goals.

We've already covered A – L, and if you've been following closely along, you're surely closer to success than you were before you started reading. Now at mid-alphabet, we're halfway to the finish line with tips and advice that will give you the tools to reach the places you're eager to go.

Continue on the path towards workplace success and use this guide as a navigator towards the top of the ladder!

Management Skills

Someone with superb management skills is already a step above the rest when it comes to reaching success. And if a person knows they aren't strong when it comes to managing time, resources, money, people, etc., they are smart enough to work with others who can aid in that area.

Proper management of work-related issues can be the difference between success and failure. Too much on one's plate, scheduling conflicts, and even when to make calls or send emails all factor into taking overall management into consideration and making use of all available time one has.

As per Skills4Work, "Efficient work management can be a force multiplier and has the potential to increase the effective working time." Leadership-Centraladds the following time management advantages: reduces stress, helps you to remain focused, minimizes procrastination, augments productivity, and gives a sense of achievement.

A well-managed person is like a well-oiled machine. Always prepared and always ready to move forward.

Negotiation Skills

In just about every area of business, you won't be at it alone. Whether with others on your team, with clients, investors, or competitors, negotiation will be an important part of the program. Having successful negotiation skills are imperative to communicate with confidence and a satisfactory end result.

As perBusiness Queensland, "Negotiating requires give and take. Good negotiations contribute significantly to business success, as they help you build better relationships, deliver lasting, quality solutions - rather than poor short-term solutions that do not satisfy the needs of either party, and help you avoid future problems and conflicts."

EC Sourcing Groupnotes, "Contrary to what some believe, negotiation skills are not about beating the opposition out of the other party. In fact, the best negotiators are ones who are able to create win-win situations, in which everyone walks out thinking that the deal is a good one."

Negotiate for your benefit as well as a good outcome for all involved. True success extends beyond your personal gain.


A "glass half full" mentality will get you further than one that sees the worst in people or situations. Entrepreneur suggests that "having a positive attitude can help us push through rough patches." And as any person in business knows, not everything will be smooth sailing all the time.

Entrepreneur recommends seeing failure as a new start. "When things go bad, our world gets shaken up, which requires us to grow, see new things and start afresh." Take a perceived failure or mistake and consider it a learning moment instead.

Switch and Shift adds that optimism creates a sense of clarity. "Workplace optimism emerges when there is progress. We understand why our work matters. We have clarity in the purpose of our work and how it contributes to goals. Clarity provides comfort. It provides reasons."

A positive attitude not only makes you feel eager to succeed, but it translates to those around you creating a harmonious and brighter workspace.

Stay tuned for more A – Z tips for success at work. The path to achievement starts with "A" and ends with YOU!

We're covering the many ways to achieve success in the workplace, sharing useful tips and advice that range fromA – Z to enlighten, encourage, and engage people in all fields. There are lots of chances to make smart choices, to move forward with a positive attitude, and to make educated adjustments in work habits in order to get better and better, day after day, until goals are met or even surpassed.

As we run through the alphabet using the letters to inspire success-making moves, J, K, and L are up to bat. See how jumping in, knowing who you are, and letting it go are all important when it comes to achieving success at work. They may sound simple, but are you actually doing these things?

See what changes you can make to increase productivity, become a more efficient worker, and reach the milestones you've been striving to complete. Success won't come to you without effort, so put your best foot forward and you'll step up the ranks with pride with every stride!

Jump In

Be proactive! Don't wait to be asked to do something or to join in on a meeting or discussion that you believe you can bring value to. Be vocal, be participatory, and be involved. Sitting on the sidelines will get you passed over in no time. Be seen and become part of the action.

By jumping in and being a leader as well as a team player, your presence will be valued and you'll be better equipped to make smart choices in the workplace leading to eventual success. According toForbes, "(Successful people) view their job descriptions as just the beginning of what they can do with their job. After they've completed their mandatory tasks, they will always ask to take on more projects that challenge them." Simply put – do more and you'll get more.

Know Who You Are

It is important to know what you stand for, what drives you, and what you want out of your performance in the workplace. Be a leader and don't "go with the flow" just to be accepted by your peers. If you have strong convictions and the ability to stand up for yourself, you will head toward success rather than remain stagnant in mediocrity.

As per Forbes, "Successful people are confident and can lead themselves, as well as others. They have their own vision and mission and seek to bring it to life on a daily basis."

By knowing who you are both personally and professionally, you will make choices that reflect what is important to you, leading to a fulfilling career filled with self-worth and pride, as well as a sense of accomplishment.

Let it Go

There comes a time when a project isn't going as planned, roadblocks create the need for a new path to be carved, budgets get cut, or you're just not proceeding in a way that is fruitful. Rather than holding on to a lost cause, a successful person will let it go. This allows them to refocus and start anew with better and smarter ideas. Harping on the past will go nowhere, but learning from mistakes or failures will bring brighter tomorrows.

As Inc. puts it, "Holding onto to your latest mistake will only serve to slow you down. Successful people are not anchored by the past. They learn from it--fast--and move on to a bigger challenge."

Stay tuned for the next installment in our A – Z series for success in the workplace. Letter by letter, improvement will be made and success will be one step closer!