money saving

Shopaholic Saving Tips

Viacheslav Bublyk via Unsplash

In the words of Ferris Bueller: “Life comes at ya fast.” I learned this when, after graduating college, I suddenly had to get my life together and financially support myself. The horror. But I’m also young and fun (I swear!). I want to go out with my friends, follow trends, and buy myself a little

15 Ways to Save on Back to School Shopping

It’s that time of the year again. The middle of August—better known to parents as back-to-school shopping season. Back to school shopping is one of the busiest shopping seasons of the year—and even though there is still plenty of uncertainty surrounding the coming school year due to the coronavirus pandemic, one thing is sure—school must

Save money by reverse meal prepping

It’s the end of the month and you get your credit card bill, eyes pop out of your head and you think, WHERE IS ALL MY MONEY GOING? You’ve stopped eating out, you only buy cheap coffees, and your clothing and travel budget is nonexistent. You think you have no more room to cut costs.