

Whether you are new on the job, feeling pressure to perform, finding yourself messing up more than usual, or you're just not on your "A" game, confidence can take a nose dive. Your boss may be questioning your abilities, co-workers seem to be thriving while you're floundering, and you just can't get it together. It's no wonder your faith in yourself isn't as stellar as it ought to be.

But you can't wait for others to build you up, nor will there be some magical moment when suddenly your ego explodes. You need to boost your own confidence, get back your "mojo" (or get your first taste of some), and show yourself and those you work with that you've got what it takes to succeed.

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It's always a plus to exit a meeting having left a positive impression with those you've spent the last chunk of time with. Naturally, unless you are in cahoots with the fly on the wall, you may never know what sort of impression you've left, be it good or bad.

That said, by implementing these 4 tips, you will give yourself a better chance of leaving your meeting with confidence and walk away leaving everyone feeling better for having spent time with you.

These tips can be perfected by anyone as long as you are proactive in prepping beforehand and you keep your cool so you remember to stay on track. Small details as well as the big picture matter and when you've got a firm grip on how you handle yourself amongst others, it shows.

It's time to leave that positive impression behind as you make your grand exit.

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