Paying Your Way To (and Through) Study Abroad

Blend Images - Jeremy Woodhouse (Getty Images)

Travel is out of the question for a lot of people, but none of us can escape that unshakable feeling of wanderlust we feel whenever we see someone post a picture of them in an exotic, exciting new context. For those of us still in college itching to travel, study abroad is probably the best bet—the additional challenge of academia and learning about your new context in an academic setting is incredibly appealing for some people, as well as the opportunity to quite literally live abroad for a few months. Even then, it can seem like a lofty goal, and usually for financial reasons. How will you survive once you get to your country of choice? How will you even get there? With the market ruins, millennials have discarded going away, but it's an essential part of our growth, both educational and spiritual. Don't let finances get in the way; most importantly, know they don't have to.

Here are five ways you can pay your way to and through study abroad, and start getting some wear-and-tear on your passport.