meditating breath

Breath is Life. It is the fount of all human power. Our respiratory systems are miraculous and intricate, purifying the body from the inside out. Unfortunately, many of us don't take time to practice proper breathing. What results is lower energy levels, feeling fatigued, foggy headedness, and an overall lower quality of life.

Strong breathers lead better lives. Proper breathing helps to alleviate stress, improves energy, and leaves you feeling clear headed and ready to conquer. Breathing is also how you exercise and tend to the internal organs. Taking a little time throughout the day to breath properly, and even just being mindful of your breathing can make a significant positive impact on your life. But for a really powerful boost to leave you feeling like a super human, here's three nifty breathing techniques practiced & mastered by yogis and enlightened folk since antiquity.

These are breathing techniques to promote abounding health and vigor, rejuvenation, a clear complexion, and an overall new buoyancy in the body.

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