
Sustainable living is more than just a buzzword these days; it has impacted our lives from the products we consume to the food we eat, helping us find balance in our lives, both physically and mentally.

So why not apply this concept to the way we invest our money as well? Enter—socially responsible investing.

Every dollar we spend gives us the ability to make a change in the world and as investors, we are at the forefront of creating a lasting impact. This can be done through Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) which gives us the ability to grow our money while investing in causes we care about.

Investing in clean energyThe Star

What is Socially Responsible Investing?

Socially Responsible Investing is when investors consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when choosing where to put their money. This means choosing businesses that are ethically sound and align with the core values of the investor. SRI also means avoiding industries that have a negative impact on the environment, such as alcohol, tobacco, fast food or fossil fuel production.

The most important ESG factors vary by investor. Some may care most about the size of a company's carbon footprint while others might prioritize fair treatment of employees and ethical practices in the workplace. SRI has become incredibly popular in recent years and The Bank of America estimates that there will be a$20 million flow in this type of investing over the next two decades.

Different ways to invest in SRIs

Socially responsible investing is entirely dependent on what the investor wants to support through his/her investment strategy—be it climate change or workplace equality. Hence, there is no one size fits all approach to this type of investing. Here are a few ways to invest more intentionally:

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are known to be safe bets for many investors, and they are popular among socially responsible investors as well. There are more than 200 socially responsible mutual funds on theUS SIF website for investors to choose from. You can find data on the financial performance of a stock along with information on how the company in question contributes towards a greater social impact.

SRI mutual funds focus on three main areas:

1. Environmental, Social and Governance funds—or ESG for short—are funds invested in industries that have adopted ethical practices. The company's material impact is taken into consideration along with its financial performance.

2. Impact funds—While ESG funds place equal importance on both impact and financial performance of a stock, Impact funds aim to put social impact first. These funds invest in companies that create societal change but may not offer the best financial return. They're good choices for investors who prioritize their social intentions over financial gain.

3. Faith funds—These funds invest in stocks of companies whose values are based on the Christian, Catholic or Islamic faith. Companies that don't fall under this category are excluded.

Alternative Investments

Socially Responsible Investing isn't just limited to mutual funds; other investment assets are getting into the SRI game as well. Alternative investment options for ethical investors include property funds and hedge funds which are said to be a $588 billion industry today. Investors who opt for this type of security have over 780 alternative investment funds to choose from.

What is socially responsible investing?

Advantages of SRI funds

People who take the socially responsible investment approach usually tend to go all in. This means that their portfolios only include stocks of companies that are socially and ethically responsible. Here are the benefits of adopting such a strategy:

1. Stick to your values

All our actions and reactions are based on a core set of values that we follow. Socially responsible investing lets us apply this principle to our investment strategy as well. Investing intentionally through SRIs allows you to do more than just discuss social issues; you have the ability to use your money to take action for what you believe in.

2. Invest and let go

Most financial assets we invest in require micromanagement—either by us or a financial advisor. SRI funds, however, are designed to be low risk, allowing you (the investor) to adopt a hands-off approach. You can use your time to focus on riskier assets in your portfolio.

Disadvantages of SRI funds

While SRI funds may seem like a great addition to your portfolio, they do have drawbacks as well. These include:

1. Financial performance takes a backseat

Socially responsible investing allows you to invest in causes that you care about, but very often a strong focus on a company's ethical practices means that financial performance can take a backseat. Studies done on SRIs at different time periods showed thatthey underperformed in comparison to other stocks. Hence, when picking SRI stocks, it is important that you don't deviate from your financial goals.

2. A marketing gimmick

Although climate change and the carbon footprint are growing concerns, it is also important to remember that we live in a society where profits trump social ethics. Companies that claim to be ethical or socially responsible may be using corporate partnerships to improve their position in the market. In many cases, the illusion of social responsibility is simply a marketing gimmick to earn greater profits. The sad reality is that businesses who promote eco-friendly practices may be the perpetrators of an environmental scandal. A great example of this is when Volkswagen deliberately claimed they would design a system to reduce carbon emissions in order to gain an edge over their competitors; meanwhile, the company's production plant was actually poisoning the planet.

Is SRI the right fit for you?

Millennials and Gen Z are at the forefront of using socially responsible investing to create a lasting impact with their finances. This in no way means that SRIs are a fad that will eventually pass—in fact, they are here to stay. Between 2016 and 2018, the number of investments in SRIs grew by 38 percent. In the world of investing where making money has become the main goal, socially responsible investing allows you to earn an income while promoting change.

At the same time, this investment strategy may not be for everyone. In certain situations, investors should be willing to forgo extra income in favor of supporting a social cause. This trade-off is something that needs to be considered before investing with this approach. However, if you put in the time and effort, it is possible to find stocks that meet both your social and financial goals. Striking that perfect balance can help you feel secure, knowing that your finances are put towards a worthy cause!

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Ted Talks are a great way to kill some time if you only have a little time to spare. They are also incredibly informative, inspirational, and useful tools that can help you understand the world around you. Business leaders share their tips and tricks while analysts and experts can show you what makes a business thrive. Ted talks can also help enlighten you about your own role in business, how to ask for a raise, and find a job you're truly happy with. Here are some of the best business Ted Talks for you to explore!

Rocío Lorenzo

How diversity makes teams more innovative


Posted Oct 2017 Rated Informative, Inspiring

This answers the question once and for all, yes companies are more innovative when they have more diversity. Lorenzo presents data you need to see to understand how and why diversity gives companies a more competitive advantage. Lorenzo focuses on the importance of women having a place at the table, which is refreshing for many who have been excluded for so long. There is more creativity and therefore more corporate beneficial pros to welcoming in different kinds of employees.

Shawn Actor

The Happy Secret To Better Work


Posted May 2011 Rated Inspiring, Funny

The CEO of Good Think, a company that researches and teaches about positive psychology, brings us this fast paced funny talk about true happiness at work. Do we have to work hard to be happy or are we thinking about it all wrong? Actor argues that work shouldn't come before happiness because the best way to be productive at your job is to genuinely like it. Happiness inspires us to be productive!

Casey Brown

Know your worth, and then ask for it


Posted Apr 2017 Rated Inspiring, Persuasive

Brown helps you reshape your thinking to help you get a raise. The key is to think like your boss. They aren't paying you what you think you're worth, they are paying you what they think you're worth. So get them to change their mind. She shares stories and lessons that can help you communicate your value and get paid more accordingly.

David Burkus

Why you should know how much your coworkers get paid


Posted Sep 2016 Rated Informative, Persuasive

This video is as important as ever, as showcased by Catt Sadler leaving E! News after finding out her male co-host earned double her salary. Burkus challenges our cultural assumption that salaries should be kept secret because of beneficial the information could be. The only person who benefits from employees being kept in the dark is the people who don't want to properly pay them. Burkus shows how sharing salaries can benefit employees and society.

Martin Reeves

How to build a business that lasts 100 years


Posted Aug 2016 Rated Informative, Inspiring

This interesting ted talk takes a medical, biological, spin on business. Taking a comparative look between the human body and business Martin Reeves explains how you can take inspiration for the immune system to help expand your companies life span. Reeves presents statistics about what is shrinking those life spans and how you can apply six principles from your own body to build a more resilient business.

Scott Dinsmore

How to find work you love


Posted Sep 2015 Rated Inspiring, Persuasive

What makes your employees dedicated and productive members of the team? Well it helps if they like their job! Scott Dinsmore tells his personal story of leaving a job that made him miserable and his journey to finding the right job for you. His simple talk gets to the root of a lot of people's job search. You have to find out what matters to you and then start doing it! He'll tell you how.

Barry Schwartz

The way we think about work is broken


Posted Sep 2015 Rated Inspiring, Informative

Another fantastic talk about how to get employees to work harder simply because they like their jobs. There has to be incentives other than a paycheck that motivate people at work. Barry Schwartz presents his solution which is to change the way we think about work. Thinking of workers as individuals instead of cogs on the wheel of the machine is a good way to start.

Go get exploring and learn some new things with these fantastic Ted Talks!

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IoT — or the Internet of Things — is definitely here to stay. It may seem slow in the moment, but IoT has rapidly taken over our homes, schools, healthcare and workplaces. And over the next few years, there definitely will be more improvements.

Many people like myself ask, should I invest in IoT products? It seems like they're always coming out with new ideas and innovations everyday that any product I do buy will be outdated in a couple months.

Even if this is true, IoT is continuously building on itself — take the smartphone for example. Even though most of the world has smartphones now, people were hesitant to buy it at first. Now, it's the basis for connected devices — you can control your house lights, garage, pet feeders and more with your smartphone.

If you're still hesitant, here are other reasons why you should invest in IoT devices.

If you're a student

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Students are the future of IoT products — Generation Z kids were the first to actually grow up always having modern technology. Whether you're a college student, stuck in high school or teaching as an educator, IoT devices can help you.

Take your dorm for instance — items like smart plugs and home cameras allow you to control what happens in your room from anywhere. In everyday life, connecting tablets and laptops to your school's network can help keep you updated too.

If you love to travel

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Traveling gadgets have been prevalent since basically forever — however, we're now moving away from neck pillows and ear plugs. Get your hands on smart devices like the portable scanners — for the workaholic — smart suitcases and dual SIM smartphones for the ultimate relaxing vacation.

Take a beach vacation for example — relax by the water with a waterproof reader or play ball in the water with a connected speaker.

If you're into fashion

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Although this portion of IoT hasn't been thoroughly researched yet, there have been some pretty big improvements. Take the Anrealage Monte Z shoes — with a smartphone and AR, you can put designs onto your sneakers.

Some brands even let you virtually try on their clothing while others are working on wearable tech and multi-functioning connected accessories.

If you have pets

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Yes, IoT devices can even help your pets — in this case, mostly cats and dogs. With products such as smart dog collars and trackers, you won't ever lose your dog again. Smart feeders and pet players can also take care of your pet when you're away — with a tap of your smartphone.

If you own a home

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Obviously, smart homes are all the craze now — why get up and do something when you can be efficient and have it automated?

Your kitchen for example — smart refrigerators can help you keep track of your food or automatically reorder groceries while smart forks, cookers and coffee makers make your life easier with scheduling and automatic services.

If you have a car

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Cars are the next big step in IoT development — even though we have a few self-driving and connected cars on the road, we still haven't even fully switched over to electric yet. Funding and supporting research in this emerging market will help us convert faster.

As you're reading this article, researchers and professionals are making and testing automated and connected vehicles in a fake Michigan city called Mcity. Even though there are limited options on the market right now — especially affordable ones — more are soon to come.

After all these uses, I'd say investing in IoT products is a pretty good decision. Even though you don't particularly care about the movement, getting left behind could be pretty inconvenience in both your professional and personal life.