evan marc katz

Finding the right partner can be tough, especially in the age of swiping right in the search for Mr. Right. Endlessly searching single women have commiserated with their equally dismayed girlfriends looking for love, as date after dreadful date they've become more convinced that their "Prince Charming" will never come… if he even exists. Meeting a decent fella at a seedy bar or through a well-meaning set-up gone south is a long shot, but the idea of living happily ever after with 5 cats doesn't make these gals look forward to growing old, all alone and covered in fur.

What's a woman who knows she has a lot to offer, but can't seem to get her romantic life in order to do? That's where Dating Coach Evan Marc Katz comes in, to help smart, strong, successful women understand relationships from a male perspective and eventually find their match.

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