Since I’ve been cooking for a family of five for years, I never had the chance to cook for pure enjoyment. As a parent, cooking became as much a part of my daily routine as dropping the kids off at school, cleaning the house and doing the laundry. Plain and simple, I was tired of it. So when my youngest left for college, I went on a cooking journey to rediscover my relationship with food, recipes and the kitchen.
For me, it’s not about long hours perfecting fancy French techniques—it’s about creating great-tasting food with simple ingredients. I’ve been hearing so much about meal delivery services, but never got around to trying one. Recently, I did some some research which led me to HelloFresh.
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As someone whose job used to involve multiple trips to the grocery store every week, having a neatly packaged meal box shipped directly to my door was a breath of fresh air. The separated meal boxes inside were easy to stack in the fridge and pull out individual meals later.
Before I received my first meal box, I tried cooking along while watching the Food Network, but I couldn’t keep up. My experience with HelloFresh was the opposite. The recipes were easy, I could pronounce all the ingredient names, and it only took me 30 minutes from box to dinner table. Best of all, the meals were healthy and delicious (like a honey mustard glazed salmon).
Finally, I got the chance to try something new and cook a meal just for me. Sometimes we forget we need to take care of ourselves and have a little fun in our daily routines. I’m enjoying my newfound self-indulgence in the kitchen.
Update: The team at HelloFresh are now offering $30 off for new cooks!
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