How Lexington Law Helped Me Take Back Control Of My Life

For most of my life, I could afford to use my credit for shopping, cars, and trips. I had finally reached the point where I was saving up for a downpayment on a new house. Unfortunately, there was economic downturn and as a result, I lost my job. I had an emergency fund, but after that was gone, I dipped into my house fund and eventually burned through my savings. Soon after, I found myself buried in debt that I couldn’t pay off. Then the phone calls started and I was constantly getting bombarded from debt collectors from unpaid credit card bills and I lost the ability to borrow or any line of credit from a bank. I was on the verge of losing everything I had worked so hard to get.

So, when confiding in some of my buddies about my financial situation, I was surprised to learn about Lexington Law. One of my friends promised they’d be able to help me take control of my financial issues, and get my life back in order, but I was pretty skeptical. He told me their team of lawyers uses legal strategies to challenge creditors about items on your report which helps improve your credit score. With nowhere else to turn, I decided to check them out.

I learned that they are a leading credit repair law firm that systematically uses the law to help eliminate negative entries on credit reports, and they have a method to help drive down credit scores. This all sounded great, but I was still a bit skeptical about how they could help me take control of my finances. After learning that Lexington Law removes an average of 10 items off your credit report in the first 4 months , and has a credit-coaching program teaching clients how to improve and maintain a higher credit score, I decided to give them a try.

Getting started was simple. I gave them a call and the representative answered my questions with patience and knowledge. She made me feel confident about improving my credit score, and explained that Lexington Law would send challenge letters requiring creditors to respond or refute. If they’re unable to make a case, the items will be removed from my credit report.

After the first three months, seven items were removed from my credit score. During this time, communicating with my representative was easy with access to my personal online dashboard. The dashboard allowed me to see my credit score from all three bureaus along with the positive and negative items impacting my credit. The best part was that I could even challenge items on my report directly from the dashboard. Each time I made a challenge, my representative would get an alert, and she and her team would begin working on them right away. Watching the items get removed from my credit report made me feel like I was taking control of my finance.

For many people, their credit score does not accurately describe what kind of person they are. Despite being a conservative spender, I have faced many years of financial distress. I’m glad I decided to learn more about Lexington Lawand was able to turn around my score. Working with them for even a short period of time, they helped me get rid of the big blemishes on my credit report. My goal this year is to make the next big purchase in my life (buying a house), and Lexington Law has made that possible for me.

Update: Lexington Law is offering our readers a free credit repair consultation, which includes your FREE credit report summary and score. You canfollow this link, or call 1-833-336-4539to take advantage of this no-obligation offer.

Call 1-833-336-4539

Call anytime between 7am and 11:59pm EST to get your free credit report and score!

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For most of my life, I could afford to use my credit for shopping, cars, and trips. I had finally reached the point where I was saving up for a downpayment on a new house. Unfortunately, there was economic downturn and as a result, I lost my job. I had an emergency fund, but after that was gone, I dipped into my house fund and eventually burned through my savings. Soon after, I found myself buried in debt that I couldn't pay off. Then the phone calls started and I was constantly getting bombarded from debt collectors from unpaid credit card bills and I lost the ability to borrow or any line of credit from a bank. I was on the verge of losing everything I had worked so hard to get.

So, when confiding in some of my buddies about my financial situation, I was surprised to learn about Lexington Law. One of my friends promised they'd be able to help me take control of my financial issues, and get my life back in order, but I was pretty skeptical. He told me their team of lawyers uses legal strategies to challenge creditors about items on your report which helps improve your credit score. With nowhere else to turn, I decided to check them out.

I learned that they are a leading credit repair law firm that systematically uses the law to help eliminate negative entries on credit reports, and they have a method to help drive down credit scores. This all sounded great, but I was still a bit skeptical about how they could help me take control of my finances. After learning that Lexington Law removes an average of 10 items off your credit report in the first 4 months , and has a credit-coaching program teaching clients how to improve and maintain a higher credit score, I decided to give them a try.

Getting started was simple. I gave them a call and the representative answered my questions with patience and knowledge. She made me feel confident about improving my credit score, and explained that Lexington Law would send challenge letters requiring creditors to respond or refute. If they're unable to make a case, the items will be removed from my credit report.

After the first three months, seven items were removed from my credit score. During this time, communicating with my representative was easy with access to my personal online dashboard. The dashboard allowed me to see my credit score from all three bureaus along with the positive and negative items impacting my credit. The best part was that I could even challenge items on my report directly from the dashboard. Each time I made a challenge, my representative would get an alert, and she and her team would begin working on them right away. Watching the items get removed from my credit report made me feel like I was taking control of my finance.

For many people, their credit score does not accurately describe what kind of person they are. Despite being a conservative spender, I have faced many years of financial distress. I'm glad I decided to learn more about Lexington Lawand was able to turn around my score. Working with them for even a short period of time, they helped me get rid of the big blemishes on my credit report. My goal this year is to make the next big purchase in my life (buying a house), and Lexington Law has made that possible for me.

Update: Lexington Law is offering our readers a free credit repair consultation, which includes your FREE credit report summary and score. You canfollow this link, or call 1-833-336-4539to take advantage of this no-obligation offer.

Call anytime between 7am and 11:59pm EST to get your free credit report and score!


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